
First National Bank of Omaha (fnbo Mortgage)

Available in the following states: CO, IL, KS, MO, NE, SD, TX, and WY


  • For practicing MD, DO, DDS, DMD, DPM (can be Fellow or Resident)
Loan Amounts
  • Maximum of 100% financing* for loan amounts not to exceed $850,000
  • Maximum of 95% financing* for loan amounts not to exceed $1,250,000
  • Maximum of 90% financing* for loan amounts not to exceed $1,500,000
  • Maximum of 80% financing* for loan amounts not to exceed $2,000,000
  • Maximum of 75% financing* for loan amounts not to exceed $3,000,000
Credit Qualifications
  • 720 minimum FICO
  • 4 months reserves for loan up to $1.5M; 12-18 months of reserves for loans up to $3M
  • 45% debt-to-income ratio
  • Student loans must be deferred for at least 12 months to be excluded from debt-to-income ratios. Income-based repayment plans are acceptable.
  • Must be US Citizen or Perm Resident
  • Close up to 90 days before employment starts (with contract and confirmation pre-employment contingencies have been met)
  • Primary residences only. Single family (1Unit)
  • Gift funds are allowable (however borrower must contribute 2-3% if a down payment is required)
Benefits & Terms
  • No PMI/mortgage insurance COMPETITIVE rates
  • 30-year fixed and 7/10/15-year ARM options
  • Purchase and no cash out refinances
All of the loan officers listed here specialize in working with doctors ONLY. They are battle tested, seasoned, and recommended by your peers.
Jason Larkins (NMLS #1044878)
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By contacting you certify that you are a medical professional or the spouse of one.
Note: doctorloanprograms.com has no affiliation with any bank features on our blog.
**All loans are subject to credit approval and subject to FNBO’s lending footprint**
**Guidelines are subject to change**
Disclaimer: The postings on this site do not represent this banks positions, strategies or opinions. For specific program details please contact authorized representative from that bank.